
Organic Bouquet |

February 12, 2010 by  

cherry-love-redVaseOrganic Bouquet | is the most romantic red roses and then the festival of love? Show all your love Make your moxie environmental through the purchase of your organic bouquet of flowers.

With every purchase of the membership package, you improve the lives of producers or artisans, and the protection of the environment for future generations. Organically grown flowers are thin on the ground, and the protection of the environment, while sustainable and biodegradable, and green packaging is innovative and stylish. Each of the two members of a suite of products, from flowers and gourmet gifts to home accessories is unique, which was adopted by the third-party agencies, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance.

More than the production of flowers and organic and attractive, Organic Bouquet is involved in numerous community projects throughout the world, and holds more than 48 partnerships with charitable organizations.

For example, in 2008, and chose a bouquet membership to address the issue of families in Kochi, India, which they were working near the plants of cotton. These families often can not afford to send all its sons and daughters to school. Organic Bouquet has agreed to buy the scrap remnants of cotton plant and pay to have them sewn bags that are now being used to package the company’s gifts. Agreement for the purchase of scrap materials produce enough money to send 300 girls to school for the first time.

Flowers is shown above in a pot of up private and retail for $ 60 a barrel.

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