
National Treasure 3

September 12, 2010 by  

National Treasure 3, Chinese national treasure – Master Zhou Ting-Jue. In Sedona popular Master Zhou 2003 visit to dozens of treatments and taught senior Chinese Qigong secrets, winning dozens of new fans.

From the age of seven Master Zhou was devoted to the esoteric arts of Qi Gong, Ba Gua, Hsing-I, and other forms of martial arts with Taoist priests Wudang Mountain, China, which houses the life sciences.

Master Jue, or “Master Jo” as his American students call it, has the ability to boil water with your hands, double razor sharp swords in the throat without a scratch, and can even defy gravity, using your “Qi” for levitate your body standing on a sheet of rice paper that stretches several feet above the ground.

However, how are you so amazing displays of power are Qi; it is not intended as entertainment, but a deliberate display to call attention to the potential in all human beings? Master Sun has another gift to give – the transfer of energy during the demonstrations is a powerful effect on the awakening of consciousness. Participants often walk forever changed by what they witnessed. Genuine healing ability Viewers also understand Sun Master and how he has managed everything from the reduction of cancerous tumors, reversing degenerative bone disease osteoporosis and arthritis, healing liver dysfunction, reproductive problems, to relieve pain migraine severe headaches, to name a few.

He can see inside the body, the search for blockages, disease and stagnant energy in the meridian system, which is like a road map of energy in the physiological structure. Then apply the correct treatment of Qi through the use of the frequency emitted Qi-smoking through his hands to help people heal. He has been able to pierce the veils of relativity by regulating Qi (energy). In an anatomical level experienced no difference between the atoms of the body and affecting, if the use of Qi for healing or crushed glass in their hands without any injury to himself.

At the Academy of Martial Arts for Self Realization, a local branch of these esoteric practices, its founders and Cucumber Giuseppe Marco Medlin are honored to host Master Sun as one of the lineage holders and Qi Gong Master Teacher. The Academy offers a step-by-step methodology to assist in personal growth and healing of the body to promote self-realization.

Everyone is invited to witness this demonstration for himself or herself the authenticity of a true Master. Master Jue personally train students in the arts Wu Dang, during his visit two weeks of Sedona, including Qigong Levels 1 and 2, and will do private sessions for healing. For more information please contact the Academy of Martial Arts at 928-399-0429 or email

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