
Lebron James Mom Delonte West

May 15, 2010 by  

NBA MVP BasketballLebron James Mom Delonte West:Gloria James, LeBron James’s mother was reportedly sleeping with one of his teammates, while Matt Lauer denies deceiving
his wife, Cameron Diaz and Kate Hudson is accused of having a relationship with Alex Rodriguez for revenge. However, it is just another day in celebrity sex scandals.

Gloria James is said to have a sexual relationship with her son LeBron’s teammate and friend, Delonte West. Reports indicate that LeBron James heard the case before Game Four of the Celtics game against the Boston Celtics in their playoff series concluded recently.

Many are speculating that play suddenly fell LeBron James’ Game 4 in the outcome of it is upset about the relationship between his mother and his teammate. West has had a number of off-court issues in the past, his lifestyle has hardly been blameless. For LeBron James, who has led an apparently scandal-free existence, this would probably be particularly difficult to take.

Matt Lauer today angrily denied a National Enquirer report that he had cheated on his wife and they had separated. The National Enquirer, however, is standing behind his story and says it has several compelling sources that can make copies of its report that Lauer had a number of things and that he and his wife live apart. Lauer called the report “a work of fiction.”

Finally, Kate Hudson stated that she thinks Cameron Diaz is dating ex-boyfriend of Hudson, New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez, as payment.

Apparently, years ago, Kate Hudson began dating pop star Justin Timberlake days only after Timberlake and Diaz split. Hudson believes that specific Rodríguez Díaz as a form of revenge. Rodriguez, known more commonly as ‘A-Rod’, seemed to once again demonstrate that their days of getting caught in the controversial field behind him, hit a grand slam homer critical on Friday night, and propelled the Yankees to a 8 to 4 win over the Minnesota Twins.

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