
Jennifer Love Hewitt

August 10, 2011 by  

Jennifer Love HewittJennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Love Hewitt may have just had the clever idea single gal ever! Basically, he left ABC to work to find a lot of heat available, not criminals, men who work for this season of her show The Bachelorette.

Then, from the comfort of your home, came to know the kids week after week in the program, see how they act in tough situations and romantic situations and see if they were the types jealous, angry or whiny. Even met with the families of the finalists and has a bird’s eye view of your taste in engagement rings. Ah, yes.

And then here – this is the clever bit crazy – Ms. Love Hewitt waited and watched as Ashley Hebert Bachelorette totally broke the heart of love hottie Ben Flajnik, who left the program, no doubt, feel very vulnerable – and that’s when Jennifer rushed in. Genius!

Here is a timeline of the master plan Jennifer Love Hewitt to catch a man

On 26 July, JLH Twitter:

Viewing the bachelorette party! I love u Ben c!! Take this rose that I have to u! Choose me!!!!:)

F! Go Ben! I’m so nervous I wrote wrong the first! Lol!

On August 1, JLH Twitter:

Omg! Ben Rose f except my finals! I love that ring. Neil Lane u rock! Ashley happy…. I have book a flight to Sonoma!!!:):)

And then Jennifer used her star power to get help from their fans and followers on Twitter:

Let f be a lovely Ben! I cannot give twugs and Twisse!!!:)

On August 2, the work of Jennifer Love Hewitt has been made:

F Aaaaaaahhhhhhh Ben is following me!!!!! You are the best!!!!:):) Lovelys send a million roses u guys too

It gets better! Today it is being reported that Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ben Flajnik were seen on a date at a restaurant in San Francisco. Rumor has it that even he was “playing” part!

Damn, girl. You cannot spell when you’re on Twitter completely, but they are super smart when it comes to catching a marshmallow. You should teach classes.

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