
Jayson Werth

December 6, 2010 by  

Jayson Werth, The Nationals have authorized free agent outfielder Jayson Werth, according just before (Dictionary Form) a source, robbing the division rival Philadelphia Phillies to one of their best players and that the dramatic improvements in their immediate containment opportunities. In the wake of down first baseman Adam Dunn now free agency, the Nationals signed Werth to a child of seven years, and 126 million will pay an average of Werth and 18 million euros a year.

Werth, who turns 32 in May, signed the largest contract in the history of the Nationals, by far the richest in baseball history at 13. ‘A monumental day, “said national spokesperson presents the Director General Mike Rizzo, in a press conference at the winter meetings in Orlando. “A statement,” said manager Jim Riggleman. Rizzo called an unofficial start of “phase two” of the Nationals, who moves to the creation of a farm system waiting to win. Werth, the Nationals believe, will replace Dunn crime while providing above average defense in right field.

“It will be a centerpiece of our baseball team in the field and in the club,” said Rizzo. “In some ways it is an example of the second phase of the Washington Nationals. Phase 1 was an exploration and development of players, type of generation, the farm program system. We believe we are well on our way do that. We believe that now is the time to go to the second round and really compete for division titles and championships. ”

By taking this step, the Nationals also took a big risk. Werth contract runs through the 2018 season, when Werth was turning 39. Rizzo believes Werth will continue to improve as it enters in his mid 30’s, that money from a deep-seated tendency in the history of baseball. Rizzo also admitted that a team with the reputation of the Nationals, after losing 298 games in three seasons, sometimes have to pay more than their more popular competitors. And so the Nationals paid other than anyone expected.

“I think anybody is a bit uncomfortable with giving anyone a contract for seven years,” said Rizzo. “But we are in a position with the Washington Nationals in this place and this time we have to do a little more than championship caliber, the teams leave today. I think it’s a kind of process twice. A Sometimes you have to take years to get the player. We believe that, with that said, this is the kind of person to give a long term contract. He looks so good in your body. Our reviewers have been improving the last three years to a point where even his best days are still ahead of him. ”

Some of the game to reflect the contract too.

“A few of our contracts look pretty good,” said new general manager of the Mets, New York Sandy Alderson told reporters, according to “That’s a lot of time and money. I thought they were trying to reduce the deficit in Washington.”

Werth, a client of Scott Boras, had been severely persecuted by the Boston Red Sox, including about eight teams. Werth joined a large number of citizens – including the first global project takes Stephen Strasburg and Bryce Harper – as mega Boras client who recently signed with the Nationals.

“The Lerner and I do not share Thanksgiving dinner,” said Boras. “But we shared many dinners lately, that’s for sure.”

Rizzo said: “.. It is always more comfortable dealing with someone when you have a relationship with them we have several agreements in the past We know that we know the style buttons to push and not push the button ..”

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