

July 22, 2010 by  

ICJICJ:Today, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague issued a nonbinding advisory ruling on the question of the independence of Kosovo.

The court ruled that the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence did not violate international law. the independence of Kosovo, in other words, it was considered by the court to be legal.

Yesterday, Marc Weller, University of Cambridge International law scholar, said the following to Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty about the expected result of the failure: “anything that is not a clear condemnation of Kosovo is perceived, rightly or wrongly, as a vindication of the claim of independence of Kosovo. ”

Weller went on to predict that Kosovo would see a wave of recognition by other countries (in addition to the 69 countries now recognize Kosovo) following a decision that the country obtained its illegal status.

After today’s ruling, Kosovo undoubtedly find it easier to attract foreign investment. Serbia should also benefit from increased trade and investment out of this decision with an easier path to EU membership.

In accordance with expected increase in foreign investment, Kosovo should see some development as a tourist destination. Several of the nation’s largest cities (Pristina, Prizren and Peja) have tourist potential as well as beautiful Kosovo Serb Orthodox monasteries Visoki Decani and Gracanica.

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