
Health Care Law

August 14, 2011 by  

Health Care LawHealth Care Law, Isakson Statement on the 11th Circuit ruling of the Health Act Knock individual mandate requiring Americans to purchase insurance fines or face U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, Republican of Georgia, praised the ruling of the Court on 11 U.S. Circuit of Appeals said the individual mandate included in the law of President Obama health care unconstitutional.

 The judges declared that the individual mandate is “potentially unlimited assertion of congressional authority” by requiring Americans to buy a product.

“Americans across the country are outraged by the individual mandate in the law of President Obama’s health care, because the concept of government to force people to buy a product or pay a fine and unprecedented evil. Now 11th Circuit Court has declared it unconstitutional, “said Isakson. “This ruling is a step in the right direction, but the fight is not over. The individual mandate is just one of many problems with this terribly flawed health law, and I will continue fighting to repeal the law in its entirety all days. ”

Isakson has strongly opposed the health law was passed by Congress and signed by the President last year and has co-sponsored legislation in the Senate to repeal the entire law. Isakson was also one of 44 senators to file an amicus curiae on May 11, 2011, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. on behalf of both parties in several states challenging the law on health care Obama.

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