
Happy New Year 2014

December 30, 2013 by  

Happy New Year 2014, As 2013 draws to a close, pollsters have been finding out how people across the world feel about the state of their lives and the coming 12 months. Here, the BBC’s world affairs correspondent, Paul Adams, analyses the findings.

Is the world getting better? Since 1977, opinion pollster Win/Gallup International has been asking this question of people around the world. Do responses for 2013 paint an optimistic picture?

There has been no big change this year, and the global figure is down from highs in 2004-5, but the upward trend since polling began in 1977 is pretty clear. Almost 50% say 2014 will be better than 2013. You have to go back to 1990 for the last time more people predicted a worse year than a better one.

Dr Ijaz Gilani, vice-president of Win/Gallup International, says a global decline in the role of the state has gradually empowered the ordinary citizen.

What about that dip after 2005? Rising commodity prices in the middle of the last decade put a huge dent in global optimism before the effects of the financial collapse of 2008 began to ripple out across the world. Remember, 85% of the world’s population lives outside North America and Europe.

People who are happy where they are (%)
Figures broken down by region
World average
W Europe
E Europe
Middle East, N Africa


More bad, but not entirely surprising, news for the US. The world’s sometimes eager, sometimes reluctant policeman is the subject of widespread animosity. Predictable in some areas (the Middle East and North Africa) but less so in others. Eastern Europe’s 32% figure may be heavily influenced by Russia and Ukraine, but across most of Western Europe there are also lots of figures in the high teens.

In the Americas themselves, decades of US meddling have left an awkward legacy. Its neighbours, Mexico (37%) and Canada (17%), clearly have issues. Even 13% of Americans see their own country as a danger. Pakistan’s unenviable position as a (distant) second in the global threat stakes probably has a regional explanation – 15% of the world’s population lives in its neighbour and arch-rival, India.

Almost 50% of those polled said it would make no difference or preferred not to answer. It’s a question that makes people hesitate. In most Muslim-majority countries, scepticism that women would do a better job is high.

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