
Great White Shark Jump

October 22, 2011 by  

Great White Shark JumpGreat White Shark Jump, Shark attacks are rare in Australia, but there are things you can do to further reduce risk. AUSTRALIA is the continent’s largest island and about 85 percent of the population lives within 50 km of the coast. Our beach-lovers of culture means that we share the ocean with many creatures, including sharks.

Statistics show that shark attacks in Australia are still unlikely – drowning is more likely – two deaths, possibly three, have occurred because of attacks this year, and in NSW alone, there have been five attacks Just over two months.

Wherever you are thinking of going to row, it is important to be aware of security measures. John West from Taronga Conservation Society Australia, in Sydney, says that “there is a beach is likely to be more dangerous than any other.”

“The best prevention is common sense in relation to where you swim and what activities they undertake while in the water,” says John, “and be aware of what may invite or provoke an attack.”

After all, shark nets and shark repellents are not infallible.

Among the flags at patrolled beaches are the safest places to swim – and keep shallow water if you want to take special care. Shark attacks have been known to occur in less than a meter of water.

Of course, more water is needed for swimming in the ocean, or if you are serious about sports. Chris Neff, a doctoral candidate at the University of Sydney, who studies shark attacks, emphasizes that there are many variables to consider before entering deep water.

That brings to four major factors to consider. “Think of [the ocean] as a dynamic ecosystem that involves behavior, shark behavior, weather conditions and conditions of the ecosystem,” he says. “All these things really come together.”

Tips to avoid shark attacks
1. Swim at beaches patrolled by lifeguards who are surfing. “They are there to keep an eye on their security, looking for danger signs and to help if you get into trouble,” says John, that priests Australia Shark Attack File.

2. Do not wear bright accessories bathroom or try to use soft colors darker. “It matters what you are using,” says Chris, “Jewelry is a big no-no … [and] certainly would not use something that was striking.” It also says to avoid using yellow and flesh-colored thing, including white – Sharks do not see color, but black and white tones, the contrast used to distinguish objects.

3. Do not enter the water where dangerous sharks usually gather.

4. Avoid swimming, surfing or kayaking alone. Large groups of people may deter a shark attack. Also, if someone is attacked they need someone to help you get to the coast. “Most shark fatalities occur from the bite, followed by not going into the coast fast enough or not to get involved and get to the hospital,” says Chris.

5. Do not swim in murky water. Sharks do not always have a good sense of sight and can attack, and you think you are prey.

6. Be aware of entering the water after a storm or heavy rain. Bait may have been provoked and that will attract hungry sharks.

7. Do not swim near falls in deeper waters or river mouths. Sharks tend to live in these regions.

8. Let the water quickly and calmly if the fish begin to gather in large groups, jumping out of water or behave erratically. These reactions could be a shark feeding predators nearby.

9. Avoid splashing and move smoothly in the water. Although this often can not be avoided, Chris says he is aware of the relevant conditions, such as “whether or not other attractants near you” – such as fishermen or bait schools – or even the music of AC / DC. If there is, then it is better to splash as possible.

10. Deepwater Check carefully before jumping ship. “People have jumped over sharks,” says John.

11. Do not swim or surf at dawn, dusk or night. These are usually the feeding times for a large number of sharks.

12. If you see a shark, not to act aggressively. While some sharks can be intimidated by aggressive behavior, others react with fear and attack.

13. If a shark begins to approach you, prepare to defend themselves. “If an attack is imminent, try to keep the shark in sight,” says John, “If you get too close (close enough to touch), any action you take can alter the pattern of attack, such as hitting the shark in the nose, speculation in his eyes, jerking of the body, [or] bubble … The only thing I’ve ever heard is the most effective is speculation [the shark] in the eye. “

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