
Frida Kahlo Biography

July 6, 2010 by  

frida kahlo biography googleFrida Kahlo Biography — CsMonitor —  Frida Kahlo, surrealist painter and one of the most famous celebrity in Mexico, would be 103 today.

What better way to celebrate Kahlo’s life, than on the Web, where her work and biography are just a few clicks away?

Google launched its online birthday party with one of her specialty logos. As with most of the work of the painter, this Google Doodle Kahlo show in the middle of a fantastic environment. Lush vines wind their way through the scene, turning the company banner.

Kahlo selfportraits and in such combinations of surrealist symbolism specialized. They “intuitively the age of the artist’s celebrity, by deliberately turning in a work of art and their public appearances in the vicinity of expected benefits,” according to a Monitor retrospective of 2008. “After Kahlo‘s carefully cultivated, sometimes outrageous, public facade a person for the arts was a lifeline, a way, emotional, and physical activity was self-preservation during a sometimes bleak existence with frequent health challenges as a result of an accident in her youth.”

If you are not familiar with her work, check out the video below, which runs through many of their most famous paintings thrive – with a digital.

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