
Empty Rocking Chair Superstition Origin

January 13, 2012 by  

Empty Rocking Chair Superstition Origin, 1.BREAKING A MIRROR
Origin. Before the invention of mirrors, man gazed at his reflection, his “other self,” in pools, ponds, and lakes. If the image was distorted, it was a mark of impending disaster. The “unbreakable” metal mirrors of the early Egyptians and Greeks were valued items because of their magical properties. After glass mirrors were introduced, it was the Romans who tagged the broken mirror a sign of bad luck. The length of the prescribed misfortune, 7 years, came from the Roman belief that man’s body was physically rejuvenated every 7 years, and he became, in effect, a new man.

Avoid the paths of black cats. If one crosses your route, return home.
Origin. The Egyptians worshiped the cat and punished anyone who dared to kill one. In the Middle Ages, however, the black cat was linked to witches and Satan. Since it was believed that a witch had the power to transform herself into a cat, it was thought likely that a cat who crossed one’s path was a witch in disguise.

Origin. A ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle with the wall and the ground. This triangle signifies the Holy Trinity and to enter into the sacred enclosed area is a punishable offense. Also, crossing through this forbidden zone may weaken the powers of the gods and unleash the powers of evil spirits.

Origin: Possibly United States
The origin of this superstition may be from a fear that a crack in the ground is an entry point to the grave and the underworld. But a story holds that the children’s rhyme has a racist origin that has been sanitised by history: the claim goes that the original version of the rhyme was ‘step on a crack, your mother is black.’ Sadly this explanation makes about as much sense as any other.

Origin. Umbrellas were used in the East as early as the 11th century B.C. Members of the political and religious hierarchy used them not only as a protective measure against the hot sun rays, but also as a device to ward off any spirits who might do them harm. Because of the umbrella’s sacred relationship to the sun, it is wrong to open it in the shade.

Origin: Early Christian, or Norse
Description: Any Friday that falls on the 13th of any month is day of bad luck
This superstition usually cites the Christian bible, which describes how Jesus was betrayed by Judas the 13th guest at the Last Supper and crucified on a Friday. Since then, Fridays the 13th’s have been associated with all manner of ill events, including a few that happened even before Christianity, like Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden and Noah’s Great Flood.

But a competing story from Norse mythology holds that the number 13 became unlucky when the trickster god Loki crashed a dinner party of 12 fellow gods started a fight, and killed one of them. This was the height of rudeness, even by the standards of Norse gods.

This superstition can be traced back to the Middle Ages. At that period in history, salt was a very valuable and expensive. Another origin is thought to be derived from Judas spilling salt at the Last Supper. To avoid bad luck from having spilt salt, you are supposed to throw a pinch over your left shoulder. Again, this remedy has Christian origins and to do with the devil. You throw the salt into the devil’s eye and by doing so, blind him and deflect the bad luck and bad health he had in store for you. It’s the left shoulder and not the right, because the angels are sitting to the right hand of God and the seat of the devil, who is the fallen angel, was to His left.

It was once believed that metal was a gift from the Gods, given to man as protection against evil. All forms of metal brought good luck and this is one reason too, why horseshoes are sometimes hung over people’s doorways or charm bracelets are worn. Finding a penny is finding a good luck coin.

Origin: Ireland
This superstition holds that an rocking an empty chair is an invitation for evil spirits to sit in it. A more scary version asserts that rocking an empty chair will cause a death in the family. Like broomsticks, cats, and knitting, this superstition may have something to do with old ladies – and therefore, the thinking went, witches.

Early man was puzzled by the rabbit: at the rabbit’s cleverness while hunting, its ability to burrow underground, its meetings with other rabbits on moonlit evenings. Man was particularly impressed by the animal’s swiftness, which was due to its powerful hind legs. The rabbit became a sign of good fortune, and its hind foot became a treasured amulet.
Source(s): (LOTS OF OTS-EX-RS S-EX-RE!!!)

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