
Donating To Homeless Shelters

February 21, 2012 by  

Donating To Homeless Shelters, Altrusa International Inc. of Newark-Granville has presented the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter with items needed to make hygiene kits.

Combs, hair brushes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, sanitary needs for women, razors for men, diapers, washcloths, shampoos, powders and lotions for baby care are in a constant need at the shelter, as patrons cycle through and endeavor to become self-sufficient.

The professional business women’s organization received a grant from the Altrusa International Foundation of $2,000 to improve the economic well-being and quality of life in its service community. Established as a charitable corporation in 1962, the foundation is committed to the service goals and objectives, with the sole purpose to be an avenue through which Altrusans can carry out their programs of community service and assistance to individuals in need.

The Newark-Granville club has provided hygiene products for the program since May 2001.

Mary Hawk is the president of the Newark-Granvillle club and has been a member for 20 years.

The items were bought in bulk and not all of the grant money was used, she said. Altrusa is hoping to save the rest until the Salvation Army has another need.

“The two gals that went shopping couldn’t believe they couldn’t spend it all,” Hawk said. “We are going to keep in touch with the Salvation Army, so if one thing goes faster than another, we can help them out. Our club wanted to do something locally and we picked the Salvation Army because of the need.”

For Kaye Hartman, volunteer coordinator at the Salvation Army, these donations are not only timely but in constant demand.

People come and go so quickly through the shelter, and they try to send them out with personal hygienic things to set up a house.

“This is a tremendous help,” Hartman said. “These are things that are not in my budget. These people are starting from scratch and usually have nothing.”

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