
Punxsutawney Phil

January 31, 2011 by · Comments Off on Punxsutawney Phil 

Punxsutawney Phil, The National Weather Service said that it is likely that the northeast, including Providence, Rhode Island will be buried in snow, sleet and freezing rain on Feb. 2. And what happens with Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil anyway? Is it based in fact or fiction?
Punxsutawney Phil is a rodent would have miraculous abilities to predict the weather. Believers who claim the animal is 125 years keep it in luxury. The faithful claim he tells his prognosis weather the President of the Inner Circle.

The rodent in question is a groundhog. Marmota monax, Chuck Wood, the beaver lands. It is a giant squirrel.

In case you think that Phil is cute and cuddly, think again, editing Wikipedia non-Collegiate cites Doug Schwartz, groundhog trainer for the Staten Island Zoo to say, They, AORE known for their aggressiveness, so that you AORE from a hard place. [Their] natural impulse is to kill, and let God sort of? Oem at? Oem. We must work to produce the soft and cuddly. AU

On February 2 Phil leaves his burrow on Gobblers Knob in Pennsylvania to check the weather. Now why he wants to do is a mystery. More likely, the true believers take it out, shake the night before and put him in front of the pilgrims who worship literally come from around the world.

This seems contrary. It seems that if Phil sees his shadow, it must be clear, so an early spring. But, no. If you suspect you have been outsmarted by a rodent monax predict weather.

In truth, Phil OSA reaction Legendary is based, consciously or not, on the principle of fluctuations in the more-all seasons. If there is bright sunshine and shadow on Feb. 2, it should be a temporary fluctuation of winter; it is too early for a real spring. The fluctuation of rebound, and winter is back with a vengeance for six weeks.

Genevieve Morton

January 31, 2011 by · Comments Off on Genevieve Morton 

Genevieve Morton, Her body is like made for a bikini! Although the glamor model Genevieve Morton (24) can boast of exotic origin, the other does not extend outside of the family decides. As the beach has a sexpot everything you need – blond hair, blue eyes and well-developed breasts!

Front bulky charms, crusty buttocks from behind! It offers all blond character Genevieve, who is in miniature bikinis let immortalize the latest edition of FHM magazine. That provocative photo shoot turned out very well, but certainly not surprising – after all, sexy beach Juhoafric (anka spending in most segments of working time! In the case of FHM magazine that is not the first time, got together with just this sexicou. Genevieve is already a spicy photo shoot him graduated – in 2007 the zapo’zovala su’pravic (ka’ch in seductive lingerie. You ask, what has since changed with it? Flashed among the stars of last year’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit collection and as she says, has grown. Already said it is not only a sweet girl!

“The difference is that you know what your standards and what you expect from people and from life. I expect a lot, “revealing with a laugh at the question, what the different status of women and girls. And though for his work piece has toured the world, the question of men is also clear. For other than “domestic” is not neobzrie: “Men of South Africa are so sexy that you will not notice other guys.”

Francis Howell School District

January 31, 2011 by · Comments Off on Francis Howell School District 

Francis Howell School District, Francis Howell School rejects from the Monday, January 31, 2011 due to inclement weather. Schools will be dismissed according to schedule for early release with all secondary schools and Hollenbeck Middle fence 11:25; Heritage at 12:15; Barnwell, Bryan, Saeger, middle and Francis Howell School and Central School Fairmount Elementary at 12: 20 pm, Daniel Boone Elementary to 1:00 p.m., and Becky-David Castlio, Harvest Ridge, Henderson, John Weldon, independence, and Warren elementary schools at 1:10 p.m. Early Childhood will be dismissed early Vacation and afternoon the station is canceled. All after school activities will be canceled.
Wentzville School District Early Dismissal
All schools in WSD will lay off three hours earlier today due to bad weather. Buses will run as normally as possible. After school Chautauqua is also canceled.

** The radio and television cannot say that we are following the rejection in the beginning, only that we are closed because we have three levels of redundancy.


February 2011 Calendar

January 31, 2011 by · 1 Comment 

February 2011 Calendar, Each year, on average, 18,300 Americans are injured and more than 3,500 die in fires, with children 14 and under who make up 10-15 percent of all fire deaths. National Burn Awareness Week is traditionally observed the first full week in February, and according to FEMA Regional Administrator Ken Murphy is the ideal compliance schedule to focus on fire prevention and protection of children.
“Children under 5 years account for fifty-two percent of all fire deaths of children, and house fires tend to peak in the winter months, placing infants and young children at even greater risk, “said Murphy.” Many children are unable to escape fire on their own, and I encourage parents and caregivers to use National Burn Awareness Week during take measures to maintain their families, especially children, safe from fires and burns. ”

In February, we continue to prune the old seeds and plants for the new. Brian Marshall and Nancy Heinzel Farm Sawmill Creek in Paradise wrote this beautiful descripteion February on their farm market: “February is often the cruelest month here in the state north of this seductive vision clear blue sky, followed by days of incessant rain and spitting. Fog that makes twelve o’clock seems dusk. Safely tucked inside the heated greenhouse, however, are trays and trays of seedlings, which unfolds slowly. Amazing to see the beginnings of tiny leaves what should become of tomato plants robust and productive. Announcing spring is about to begin, I pass my hand gently on the plants, the leaves slightly new wrinkle. And I breathe the smell of petrol…. tomato. ”
February 2, 2011 this year, and everyone wants to know if the Groundhog Day Snowstorm Phil will be buried, or the groundhog sees his shadow? According to the National Weather Service, it is likely that the northeast, including Providence, Rhode Island will be buried in snow, sleet and freezing rain on Feb. 2. And what happens with Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil anyway? Is it based in fact or fiction?

Houston Marathon Results

January 31, 2011 by · Comments Off on Houston Marathon Results 

Houston Marathon Results, Bekana Daba and Mamitu Daska of Ethiopia were the winners of the 2011 Houston marathon.on Sunday morning (the same day as the marathon Miami) 15,942 runners tied their shoelaces and headed toward the starting line to run a 30k race. Runners from around the world, before the weather as they ran through the long term. By the second hour, the riders came around the last leg of the race.

Nick Archiniago Arizona and Bekana Daba of Ethiopia were neck and neck until Daba taken the lead and crossed the finish line. Bekana Daba finished in 2:07:04 while Mamitu Daska finished in 2:26:33. Daba, 22 years, the time was a record of state and Daska was the fastest woman in the third all-time at the event.

“I could have run faster with better competition and less rain, but I’m happy,” said Daba, who took home 35,000.

Arciniaga, 27, of Arizona was nominated in a record 18 seconds of 2:11:30 staff. Landis, Stephanie Rothstein, 27, finished third in 2:29:35 for women. David Cheruiyot, 40, of Kenya won the marathon in 2:24:07 Masters, while Sheila Casey, 41, of New Jersey won the women 40 and over, 2:51:44. Trafeh, 25, passed Ryan Hall, the American record holder in half in the last mile and won in 1:02:17. Hall was second in 1:02:20 ET Patrick Smythe of Mammoth, Calif., was third in 1:02:32.

In the women’s division, Jen Rhines, 36, won the race in 1:11:14. Rhines, three-time Olympian, stood out a victory in the Marathon ‘n’ Roll Rock Las Vegas half at the beginning of December.

Serena Burla, 28, was second in 1:11:38 ET Nan Kennard, 29, was third in 1:12:03. The race offered a glimpse of the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon, to be held next January in Houston. The section of the course will be part of the test route contains several turns, including some half-turns and 90 degree turns.

Trafeh told reporters after the race that the course will not be easy, and will likely result in much slower marathon times. The U.S. half-marathon took place one day before the Houston Marathon Chevron.

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