
Betty White Saturday Night Live

May 9, 2010 by  

Betty White Saturday Night LiveBetty White Saturday Night Live:All it took to revitalize a comedy show 35 years of age, was the presence of a woman of 88 years of age.

On Saturday, after more than 70 years in show business, six Emmy Awards and an improbable campaign of Facebook, Betty White finally shot him in the hosting of “Saturday Night Live.”

Historically, “Saturday Night Live” does not always come through its most highly publicized hosts students from the age of the 1990 series of the era can remember episodes with Nancy Kerrigan and Jim Carrey were classified as very low, but comedy, and an organized program from March by Zach Galifianakis not quite reach its full potential. But Saturday’s show was one of the strongest outings of the season. With energy, enthusiasm and plain old laughs, Ms. White and “SNL cast and crew (including a set of recent alumni) more than delivered on this promise much promoted episode.

Although Ms. White’s confession in his opening monologue that he felt uncomfortable with live TV, which was home to “Saturday Night Live” format. She appeared in every sketch of the show and seemed game for almost anything, if she was playing a mogul muffins naughty or a respondent inadvertently census crazy. Even appeared on “Weekend Update” as an older rival Molly Shannon character Sally O’Malley, and a digital short made a punk-rock version of the song “The Golden Girls theme (with a little help from a stunt double, I’m assuming).

Day-themed episode of the Mother, who brought Ms. Shannon, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Ana Gasteyer and Rachel Dratch also was a rare occasion in which most men “SNL” cast took a backseat to his wife, Ms. Shannon and Ms. Gasteyer has to bring back his bone-dry NPR parody, delicious dish, “Ms. Rudolph made a return appearance as Whitney Houston and Ms. Poehler was temporarily re-seated to the “Weekend Update” desk. But do not look for regular Jenny Slate series, Abby Elliott or Peter Nasim, who were largely shut out of range. (When even Ms. Fey, the “30 Rock” star and former “Saturday Night Live” head writer, can only be offered on a couple of skits, you know you have too much talent.)

If you watch carefully, you may have noticed that many of parodies on Saturday were simply new variations on recurring “SNL” bits as MacGruber “or” parody of Lawrence Welk Show. ” ( also has skits that did not reach the issue, including “Debbie Downer” and “Bronx Beat.”)

And if you really want to get Picayune of this, most of Ms. White jokes was reduced to some version of it (a) saying something totally inappropriate for their age, or (b) make a kind of subtle – or blatant – sexual advances. But really, who cares, when many of them worked?

(Perhaps the one thing about the show that absolutely no work was the first musical performance by Jay-Z, in which he paid a long tribute to himself by joining his songs “Public Service Announcement”, “99 Problems” and “Empire State of Mind “in a mega-mix. At least had the good sense to devote his second presentation to Ms. White.)

The only real disappointment of the evening was when the clock struck 1:00 a.m. and Mrs. White and the cast had to step on stage to greet his goodbyes. If Facebook could make a successful campaign for Ms. White a “Saturday Night Live” host, you can now start the movement to make it a permanent cast member?

Betty White Saturday Night Live Video:

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