
Auburn Football

September 5, 2010 by  

Auburn Football, The Auburn football team held its first scrimmage of the season last week in Jordan-Hare Stadium, running about 70 plays.

“Tonight, for our first scrimmage, there were plenty of good things happened,” said Auburn head coach Gene Chizik. “We really practice together back-to-back” I was proud of me and I think that responded well to what we feel like we have to do to make our football team better.

With a scrimmage at full speed to his credit, Chizik said it was good to see some great works are done on both sides of the ball.

“Offensively, we had some explosive plays really nice, especially in the passing game,” Chizik said. “Defensively, we did some things well, but gave up more big plays, obviously. There were a lot of plays being made on both sides and I really feel that for the first line of scrimmage can not be a lot of great teaching this and go out again on Saturday and do it again. ”

With a roster full of seniors and a lot of experience returning on both sides of the ball, Chizik and his staff also used the line of scrimmage as an opportunity to evaluate some of the newcomers.

“When you have a lot of seniors, you know what they can do for the most part,” Chizik said. “We’re trying to get enough reps with the older boys to get our distribution right in a few different things. But for the most part, our youth have a lot of repetitions of good tonight, it will be good for We evaluate and qualify.’s going to be a learning experience. ”

Auburn will return to training camp behind the Auburn Athletic Complex at 10 am on Thursday the second of two day of the season. All practices are closed to the public.

Auburn opens the 2010 season Sept. 4 against Arkansas State 6 pm CT at Jordan-Hare Stadium. The game will be televised by Fox Sports Net

A limited number of season tickets and mini-season single-game are still available. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-AUB-1957.


Dee Ford, DE
The maintenance staff complete training since last season …
“We are part of a program and we’re used to it. Everyone knows they are supposed to be doing the same things over and over again. I think it will help in allowing us to build a stronger team. We are confident. We quarterbacks strong and some depth on defense this year. We’re feeling very well. ”

The progress through the preseason …
“We’re going very hard in training at this time. We just started the camp. Once the season gets closer, is going to be easy. The practices are going smoothly. Everyone is getting used to the system and we are only practicing hard. ”

Josh Bynes, LB
The young talent …
“The talent was there with all the young guys, especially Ryan Smith and McNeal Demetruce. Went in and played well. The first year I went, especially the linebackers, played well. It’s great for young kids to go and get some reps. They did a great job in the end to stop the crime. ”

Cam Newton, QB
Thoughts on the Auburn offense as season approaches …
“Everyone knows the season is just around the corner. It’s here. There is not much to say. The kids are there knowing they have to improve. They have to know their mission. Coach (Gus) Malzahn is coaching the quarterbacks and pointing out our mistakes – tells us how we can make ourselves better. ”

The personal performance …
“I had a good performance, but I can always do better – some shots that I can do. There were some shots that had to do, but did not.”

Onterio McCalebb, RB
The potential big play offense next line of scrimmage first …
“I’m used to making big plays offense. That’s what we do in practice – making big plays. Preseason practices are going well. We go out and work hard every day. We’re going into the cinema this night and correct our mistakes. We went every day doing what we must do to win. ”

The team spirit of the season starting …
“I feel very good. Everyone is pumped for the season. We are all counting the days until the State of Arkansas. Everyone is having fun and working hard.”

Craig Stevens, LB
The poorer performance in the line of scrimmage Glassman …
“A guy who really stood out was Demetruce McNeal. He made many big plays today. Ryan Smith made a couple of big plays today as well. In general I feel I did pretty well offensively and defensively. The offense had a couple of big plays, but we turned the final and had a couple of big stops. Overall, I think it was a great scrimmage on both sides.

“Young boys have a lot of repetitions. All the boys had a great day. It might not have known where to go right when the ball broke, but once I discovered that pushed it.”

Terrell Zachery, WR
The offensive performance in the scrimmage tonight …
“The offense had a great night. We still have a lot of little things we have to correct, but everything looked very good. Antonio Goodwin and Shaun Kitchens are really raise the offense. Shaun is a bigger receiver. He went out there and made some plays. “

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