
Angelina Jolie Pregnant

March 2, 2012 by  

Angelina Jolie Pregnant, While the rest of us were busy staring at Angelina’s new trademark — her right leg, others wondered what she was really trying to hide.

Rumours are circulating that the mother of six is expecting once again. With all evidence leading to the dress, these rumours may be accurate after all.

Jolie’s poofy, yet classic floor-length Atelier Versace gown was the perfect shield for her waist and that slit had all eyes focused on her right leg. Her colour choice was also the perfect keeper of secrets. Black not only makes your body more defined, it also has the ability to hide unwanted areas.

And really, why else would she strike a pose like that? Since the award show on Sunday, Jolie’s leg has its own 45,000 member Twitter account and has now become a popular Internet meme.

If that wasn’t enough, we also couldn’t stop talking about her glowing skin and weirdly happy smile. Do all points lead to pregnancy? Maybe. Brad Pitt has previously joked about having an average of two kids per year, so we’re hoping for another set of twins.

Angelina Jolie Pregnant?

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