
Spring Break Warning Mexico

March 8, 2012 by  

Spring Break Warning Mexico, With Tuesday’s spring break warning issued by the Texas Department of Safety, The Mexico Tourism Board is reaching out in defense of the advisory. “The Mexico Tourism Board is deeply concerned by the travel warning recently released by the Texas Department of Public Safety,” a spokesperson for the MTB said Wednesday in an e-mail.

“This warning is exceptionally aggressive,” said Rodolfo Lopez Negrete, chief operating officer of the Mexico Tourism Board. “To paint Mexico with such a massively broad brush stroke is simply outrageous.”

Negrete’s comments stand against the travel warning which reports 12,903 narcotics-related homicides in the first nine months of 2011 alone.

“The Mexican government has made great strides battling the cartels and we commend their continued commitment to making Mexico a safer place to live and visit,” Texas DPS director Steven McCraw acknowledged in the warning.

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