
Clinton Wedding

July 31, 2010 by  

Clinton WeddingClinton Wedding, (New York Times (blog)) — Rhinebeck, NY – We are here in Rhinebeck (who does not?) Chelsea Clinton Where the wedding will take place at 6 pm tonight.

No details of the wedding itself were leaked, however, nor have we seen the bride. But we saw that the father of the bride, twice, and the mother of the bride once. A run of two seconds for the cameras last night as it fell from his truck for a party after dinner at the majestic Beekman Arms, where many of the wedding guests are staying.

Former President Clinton, wearing a gray jacket and trousers, had definitely lost weight, according to the instructions of Chelsea. By removing junk food and exercise more, we were told, have lost over 20 pounds, five pounds is beyond her daughter ordered.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wore a loose gown, floor-length green print, bright blond hair and she smiled widely.

Clinton made his first foray into the city early Friday, having lunch at Trattoria Gigi, a local restaurant, where he skipped dessert. Curiosity and celeb fever had built to such height here, where hundreds of media and pseudo-media have camped for a week, Laura Pensiero, owner of Gigi Trattoria, said Clinton could have done just the appearance “let some steam from the teapot.”

We do not expect to see Clinton today, but people are already gathered at the main intersection in this dim, the old money along the Hudson about two hours north of New York. Tonight, the sky is expected to be set by fireworks lit after Chelsea and Marc Mezvinsky, who works for a hedge fund, for example his “I two.”

The prospect of seeing Clinton and other celebrities have taken over the residents, who uniformly described “weekend of Chelsea” as “real” event. Up to 500 people are expected to attend, and many of them left the Beekman yesterday evening in their finery at night to get a drink at Gigi Trattoria.

“I’m star struck!” Said Melodie Molinare, 50, the postmaster of Rhinebeck, as he stood on the corner of the street to, held back by police barricades of wood. “I want to see. Do not have to touch them. I want to see Chelsea in their dress.”

Among those discovered in the Beekman Friday included Madeleine Albright, former secretary of state, with Vernon Jordan, the Democratic power broker known. (Mr. Jordan is not a well known figure here, and a man in the crowd in the street is identified as Hamilton Jordan, the assistant top to the end of Jimmy Carter. Another identified him as Warren Buffet.)

A man in the crowd confidently identified other guests such as Steve Madden, the shoe designer, who quickly ran into the inn in a van. We could not confirm that. Also identified another guest as Kobe Bryant, but we were told that Mr. Bryant is not attending.

The vast majority of customers looking to be in the late 20s and 30s, perhaps the university and work friends of the bride and groom. Maybe one day celebrities, but for now they can rest comfortably anonymous. They seemed to be a mixture of Arkansas and the world hedge funds. A blonde in a yellow dress balloon crossed the street to the gawkfest and took pictures of the locals, then had a photo with them, and then posed with a state police baffled and very patient.

“We know that we are seeing,” complained one viewer. “My God, they all look like they are in their 20s. They are children! Seriously, I want to see Oprah.”

The audience clearly had varied definitions of celebrity. While one was enthusiastic local spots, Terry McAuliffe, the celebrity spotting was less exciting for Rachel Squillante who lives in Manhattan, but returned home to Rhinebeck this weekend to catch a glimpse of some stars. Ms. Squillante, 24, and a friend had heard that Jennifer Lopez was in town. But the only famous guest who saw Ms. Albright was Ms. Squillante friend who did not know.

Oprah Winfrey, Barbra Streisand, John Major and Steven Spielberg is said not to come. However, several locals insisted that Ms. Winfrey had been seen in the Sacred Cow, an ice cream shop nearby on Friday.

The anticipation in the crowd last night reached such a frenzy that when the status of soldiers in a row among the spectators and guests, a woman from an Italian television station she shouted to one of the soldiers to move. “I can not see!” He said. He smiled.

Arlene Newman was driving with two friends from Castleton, a small town near Albany, to get a glimpse of the former president and the bride. After eating dinner, waited over two hours through the arms in the hope of detecting Beekman.

“We hear Bill has been here today,” said Newman. “We love. My mother is in a nursing home. She loves him. We wish them well.’s Royalty. It is our royalty.” He added that so far Mrs Clinton had managed to keep his private life. “She was left alone,” he said. “They did not harass her as Princess Diana.”
As friends of Newman talked about how beautiful that Chelsea Clinton had become since his youth and recalled how his parents went through the White House lawn after the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Mrs. Newman agreed. “Yes, yi, yi. I hope she has a lot of babies. ”

Earlier in the afternoon, a handful of local business owners raised a bit of sparkling wine in the supply of cashew Blue Kitchen to provide for the votes of Marc and Chelsea.

Ms. Pensiero said at lunch yesterday, Clinton arrived at his restaurant with his half brother, Roger, and half a dozen people who thought they were friends and family. She said the former president greeted the guests, shook hands with workers in the kitchen and the restaurant filled with so much “electricity in the air” that “nobody had a good appetite.” She said he thanked Mr. Clinton for lunch there, “He thanked me for putting up with the chaos.” Ms. Pensiero catering business had been busy all week delivering about 200 meals a day to different companies working on preparations for the wedding.

Other companies had already benefited from the strength of the company. Maureen Missned, whose shop Paper Trail is believed to help prepare the gift bags, talked about how different the features of this wedding was in comparison to last year when actor Griffin Dunne held his wedding in the area and local residents spotted celebrities like Hugh Jackman.

He said that compared with Mr. Dunne’s wedding festivities put these in perspective. “This is not a wedding full of stars,” said Missned. “This is clearly about the bride and groom.”

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