
Weekly Standard

June 24, 2010 by  

Weekly Standard:In a recent issue, The Weekly Standard, Andrew Ferguson wrote a very long (about 9,000 words) profile very popular in Indiana, even wonkish, Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels. The piece was clearly designed to be a rumor-starter for possible Daniels’ 2012 run for the White House.

Profile springs from a long tradition of writing political magazine, where the scribes spend years out of the policy areas for potential sniffing black horse contenders for the next presidential race. Those who win gold star struck gold Beltway journalist colleagues have had the expectation that the future looked out and saw a rising star.

And in this case, the profile friendly Ferguson is clearly an early bet of classes that Daniels can be a major player in 2012.

But what is interesting about the profile is as Ferguson managed to ignore completely the landscape of the media that Daniels would have to sail in 2012, how Ferguson ignored the uncomfortable fact that the GOP contenders will have to run their campaigns through Fox News and, to some extent, by Rush Limbaugh.

In this regard, Ferguson Weekly Standard piece is a kind of curious, since it refuses to recognize Fox News and Limbaugh are now the Republican Party in terms of king-makers, which means that right-wingers, and no cheerleaders Tea Party and Daniels, face a huge tactical disadvantage. (In The Weekly Standard piece about Daniels, the words “Beck”, “Limbaugh,” and “Fox News” does not appear immediately.)

In previous seasons there were several viable paths nontraditional campaign for the White House for potential candidates to take as Daniels.Daniels seriously as it does not cover a radical hatred of the president and does not suggest that America is teetering on the socialism / communism (that is, Daniels is a traditional, conservative Republican), gonna get any love of Tea Fox News’ cheerleaders Party .

No way a candidate like Daniels will receive the oxygen within the Republican Party primary if not sanctioned by Fox News. And it will not.

For the standard weekly disability writers interested in the career of 2012, could be time to admit that Fox News is the opposition party, no matter how painful it is conducting.

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