
Wash. Trooper Shot

February 23, 2012 by · Comments Off on Wash. Trooper Shot 

Wash. Trooper Shot, The Kitsap County sheriff says the possible Washington state trooper-shooting suspect who shot himself is a man with a criminal record involving methamphetamine.
Sheriff Steve Boyer says Joshua Blake is known to law enforcement for meth convictions.

Boyer did not call him a suspect in the shooting Trooper Tony Radulescu early Thursday and couldn’t confirm Blake was the owner of the pickup truck that had been pulled over in a traffic stop.

Boyer is a former 27-year veteran of the patrol and says he knew Radulescu well.

Radulescu was found shot after he failed to respond to a dispatcher’s status checks following the traffic stop.

Deputies say Blake shot himself as a SWAT team closed in on the home where the expected to find the truck’s owner.
