
Kim Kardashian Marriage

December 8, 2011 by · Comments Off on Kim Kardashian Marriage 

Kim Kardashian Marriage, The Kardashian clan has been making waves in the mainstream US media for years. A typical case of being famous for being famous, Kim Kardashian is perhaps the best known of the dynasty. The daughter of high-profile US attorney Robert Kardashian, Kim was said to have been introduced to the socialite scene by her friend Paris Hilton, the famous heiress. Her first encounter with the media, however, was not an easy one to deal with.

In 2007, a sex tape of Kim Kardashian and the R&B singer Ray J fell into the hands of the press and has been hot property on the internet ever since. Rather than recoiling from the attention, however, Kim Kardashian embraced it and the scandal formed the basis of a life spent in the media spotlight. Later that year, she appeared in a reality show with her family, entitled Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Her sisters, brother, half-sisters mother and step-father were all featured in the show. Whilst the more cynical of on-lookers noted the similarities between her own sex-tape-related rise to fame and that of Paris Hilton’s (Hilton’s sex tape with Rick Solomon was leaked in 2003), people maintained an interest in her very public private life, nonetheless.

There is little that Kim Kardashian hasn’t turned her hand to now, in her bid to maintain her public profile. She has acted in TV (‘Beyond the Break’) and film (‘Disaster Movie’), she’s hosted shows such as ‘Wrestlemania XXIV’, been a judge on ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and participated on the popular TV dance contest ‘Dancing With The Stars’.
