
Instant Search

September 8, 2010 by · Comments Off on Instant Search 

Instant Search, Google has been testing an instant search feature. That means that search results should appear as the user, changing dynamically as the user continues typing.

A Google spokesman did not confirm or deny the test.

However, a source close to Google confirmed the veracity of the video Ousbey, noting that the test is performed on a limited basis. But he said it is not known whether the experiment will become a new feature offered to all Google users.

Yankee Group analyst Zeus Kerravala noted that an instant search feature would put a lot of tension in the Google system. Google has said it handles about one billion searches per day. If the company suddenly had to produce dynamic changes in search results on top of already heavy burden, could put too much pressure on computer systems running in the background.

“I think initially [add a lot of stress system] so he could face some short-term pain to achieve long-term gain,” said Kerravala. “Google has built a tremendously robust infrastructure. And my guess is that with their resources, however, if [the] new feature became a huge success, other search engines have a hard time keeping up.”

Industry analysts have said for months that the ongoing battle for share of Google search with Microsoft ‘s search engine is producing Bing continuing waves of innovation.

Google, for example, unveiled real-time search in recent months, along with personalized search results, glasses and Google, a search based on photos.

Several analysts have said they expect this wave of innovation Computerworld search to last well into 2011 as the two companies compete for a share of the lucrative search market.

Google Instant

September 8, 2010 by · Comments Off on Google Instant 

Google Instant, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, where Google’s just taken the wraps off its latest software product. The ad itself is taking his time now, with the background facts as Google recently crossed the one billion users of a landmark week, but the Google service has been activated instantly and you can see the details of their immediate result delivery at the source below. Basically, the Goog and does not expect to press the Enter key while the search and starts updating its Web results instantly as you type. Google describes it as a fundamental change in the search and you can find more information with your video introduction warm and fuzzy after the holidays
Instant Google is not yet available for mobile, but the plan is “release early.” The service is being launched at this time be signed in users – some of us even got to use it before the announcement – but it is almost a matter of luck as to when you can give in the coming days. The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and join the United States as the first countries to benefit from this new hotness, while Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 8 are the first browsers supported. Integration with the native browser is also promised in the coming months, which probably means that when you look through your address bar, the results will start flooding in before you’ve even finished asking the question.

Boom! A press of the “w” key local weather brought instant results. Google also integrated into a predictive algorithm instant what he describes as a “mental element … as we are able to predict what to write. Google will become the search before writing.” Go find another property is promoted, which goes up or down through the Dropbox suggested searches (as in the picture above) is also automatically updates its results in line with the suggestion that you have selected.

An interesting side note: there is a growing struggle against the side of the stage; you just cross the 20,000 mark. Our suspicion is that the number of users active instant Google search so far. Or maybe something even more impressive, which knows?

Ooh, a mobile version coming this fall. We lifted the direction of the tests for Mafia version of your presentation. Dale here to see for yourself. The best quote that could leave this event is: “search is fast, Google Instant faster.”

PD – The meter past 30,000 now, rolling about 625 whatevers a minute. We will not leave until we know what it is.

P.P.S. – Success! The performance counter hours saved by using instant Google. According to these guys witty, instantly and has saved 36,000 hours with his speed, and estimated to be accumulating fresh one hours saved 350 million over a year.
