
Columbus Day 2010

October 11, 2010 by · Comments Off on Columbus Day 2010 

Columbus Day 2010, On October 12, 1492 Christph Columbus arrived with his fleet in the Americas. The day is celebrated as Columbus Day in the U.S. and Día de la Raza in most countries of the Americas. In the Bahamas, it is observed as Discovery Day, Costa Rica, it is called Día de las Culturas, Día de la Hispanidad and Fiesta Nacional in Spain and as Día de las Américas (Americas’ Day) in Uruguay.

Christopher Columbus actually set foot on American soil is false. He landed on a small island in the Bahamas. He named it San Salvador. The natives called it Guanahani. This is not exactly what island proved he really was. Islands are possible Plana Cays, Samana Cay San Salvador Island. San Salvador was given the name 1925 in the belief that it was Christopher Columbus in San Salvador.

October 11 is a federal holiday in the United States and is observed as a national holiday in the U.S. since 1937. In many cities have parades, such as the Columbus Day Parade in New York.

Columbus Day some banks are closed, while others are open. For example:
Bank of America closed
Chase Bank Open
Citibank closed
Wells Fargo / Wachovia Open
U.S. bank closed

You can find on the website of your bank if they are open or closed on Columbus Day. The post office is closed for you.

Another interesting activity on the Columbus Day is the Columbus Day Regatta 2010 to Elliott Key.

Columbus Day Closings

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Columbus Day Closings, Columbus Day, celebrated on the second Monday of each October (October 11 this year), brings a mixed bag of bank hours, with some banks honor the holiday by closing branches and others remain open to serve customers.

The best way to know if your bank is open or closed for the Columbus Day is to visit the website of the institution, which should include a list of holiday closure dates and more information on special hours.

Here is information on Columbus Day of the country’s largest banks:

Columbus Day is considered a “holiday”, but this does not necessarily mean your bank will be closed.
Bank of America closed
Chase Bank Open
Citibank closed
Wells Fargo / Wachovia Open
U.S. bank closed

October 11 Holiday

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October 11 Holiday, Celebrate this October 11 Columbus Day federal holidays with a festive parade. The Columbus Day Parade in New York will soon begin Monday, October 11, 2010 at 11:30. Columbus Day is a great day for Italian Americans, not just in New York, Rhode Island, but celebrate Columbus Day in style too.

Rhode Island Italian-Americans celebrate their 100th birthday today. the reports Ted Nesi, “was the year (1910) – exactly a century ago – that the Governor Aram Pothier, second governor of the state Catholic, signed a bill making Columbus Day one day official state holiday, partly in response to pressure from the Knights of Columbus. ”

When is Columbus Day 2010 Celebrated?
According to, “It was 518 years ago this week, when Mr. Christopher Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas and claimed for Spain. The actual birthday is October 12, but the holidays that mark today! And that is why some of you watching at home instead of the class. Americans began to celebrate Columbus Day back in 1792 in New York. It became an annual event in 1920. But it was not until 1971 that Columbus Day was made a federal holiday. It was decided that Columbus Day would officially place the second Monday of October. That is why it is not always the date exact birthday. ”

New York City Columbus Day Parade Route
Columbus Day parades have a long tradition of long standing. PRNewswire reports, “The 2010 Columbus Day Parade, the largest celebration of Italian-American heritage and culture in the world, will showcase more than 100 contingents. The parade runs north on Fifth Avenue from 47th to 72nd Street and begins at 11:30. It is followed live by millions of people on Fifth Avenue and through television on WNBC-TV from noon until 3:00 p.m. ET anchored by Joe Piscopo and Bernadette Castro and RAI International. “Clcik here for more Columbus Day Parade NYC 2010 highlights and information.

Rhode Island Columbus Day Parade
Federal Hill Columbus Day Parade on Atwells AVENUE in Providence, Rhode Island took place yesterday in “Little Italy” with a line of Italian-American groups and politicians. According to the Journal Providence, Providence Mayor David N. Cicilline, Angel Taveras, and Vincent A. Cianci Jr. The Shriners have even been there with their little clown cars, with a number of bands in high school and the regular fare Columbus Day Parade.

The Westerly, Rhode Island Columbus Day Parade was also held yesterday, Sunday, October 10, 2010, under a blue sky and warm sun. The 2010 Grand Marshal Pasquale L. “Patsy” Castagna. The townspeople are rather proud of their parade. 63rd Annual Western Columbus Day Parade is billed as the largest in the state.

Woonsocket, Rhode Island held their Columbus Day parade on Monday morning. The weather was a bit sharp at 9:30, but the sun shone for the parade.

National Coming Out Day

October 11, 2010 by · Comments Off on National Coming Out Day 

National Coming Out Day, It was said that every dog has his day, but now it seems that all dogs, reptiles, diseases, birthday and drink has its day, too. We thought yesterday was the 10th day of 10th month in 2010 was a big deal, but everyone buzzing around October 11 as Columbus Day, National Coming Out Thanksgiving and Canada. The only thing that would make it better than historians have discovered that Christopher Columbus (statue right) was a Canadian gay, but because he “discovered” (in quotes because, uh, there were already people there) of the New World, it will not happen, we’ll settle for the next best thing: an overview of all the good these days make October 11, 2010.

Celebrate your Italian heritage with (out) a Fist pump!

If you’re Italian and you enjoy the occasional hand movement that involves raising a fist above your head and waving frantically, then today is the day of use. Human rights violations aside (more on that later), Italian Columbus has added another proof that the world was not flat and tipped the domino in a chain of events of what would become the leader free world: the United States of America. But if you’re not a fan of the Jersey shore and I think that Italian-Americans portrayed in a bad light, then maybe we propose a simple high-five? There will be many people celebrating around the country during the Columbus Day parades, and we’re sure they are as happy beneficiaries of a slap in the hand.

South Dakota Native American Happy Day!

In 2010, Nu Heightz Cinema released their second public service announcement campaign for Reconsidering Columbus Day. The integration code is a little dysfunctional, but you can read his message here. The group has petitioned the federal government to establish a national festival for indigenous people, something that the states of South Dakota (celebrated today) and California (celebrated in September) have already done. In February, the governor of South Dakota Mike Rounds has declared 2010 “Year of Unity”, in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the reconciliation in the state, which aims to bring all races together. Today, Native American Day celebrations honor the 63,000 Aboriginal people living in South Dakota and turmoil they experienced once Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas.

Oh Canada! Please give today.

You will not catch a Canadian mother on a second helping of guilt (“such a nice surprise! I’ll see you…”) and potatoes today. While the Canadian version of the Thanksgiving is a holiday recognized at the national level, it is not as super-companies as it is among their neighbors to the south. Families gather to give thanks every second Monday in October, but it is not the end all be-all of the community. Instead, some Canadians fed 1200 people who lost their homes in a fire recently in downtown Toronto. There is a way of giving thanks, eh?

Coming Out of the Closet since 1987.

Last but not least is the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) National Coming Out Day. At Tonic, we have been sounding the alarm against the latest signs of violence against gays that led to suicide, and now another opportunity for you to defend tolerance. In 1987, about 500,000 people gathered in Washington for gay rights. Fast forward two decades later, and the invention of Facebook brought their message to millions of fans. Why is this important in 2010? Last year, 2.64 million Facebook newsfeed stories were created. This means that people took the time to write something about National Coming Out Day on their Facebook walls in 2009, and again a year later, we still have people who think it wrong to be gay. This year the Committee hopes to eliminate bullying, showing everyone that they are not alone. They push gay rights to the forefront of culture, rather than keeping it on the fringe.

Christopher Columbus Facts

October 11, 2010 by · Comments Off on Christopher Columbus Facts 

Christopher Columbus Facts, Banks open on Columbus Day? Is there school on Columbus Day? Is Columbus Day a federal holiday? When is Columbus Day 2010? These are the questions we must answer for the rental of Columbus Day to the United States.

Columbus Day is the celebration of the arrival of the famous explorer Christopher Columbus in America, especially in the Bahamas in the year 1492. United States, the first Columbus Day became an official national holiday in Colorado in 1906, when Governor Jesse F. McDonald has declared a regular holiday. He then became a federal holiday in 1934 by proclamation of then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in response to pressure from the Knights of Columbus and Congress.

Since 1971, the holiday of Columbus Day was the second Monday in October. As such, this year’s Columbus Day 2010 is celebrated on October 11, 2010. Banks, the bond market, the U.S. Postal Service and other federal agencies, most state government offices and some school districts generally observe Columbus Day today. For this reason, banks and post offices are closed for Columbus Day. However, while most schools are closed on Columbus Day, some may be in operation in order to better communicate with your school and check for classes.

All States of America celebrate Columbus Day except Hawaii, South Dakota and Nevada. Instead of Columbus Day, Hawaii celebrates Discoverer, which is not considered a legal holiday. South Dakota’s famous as “Native American Day” and is considered an official national holiday. Meanwhile, in Nevada, Columbus Day is not a public holiday to schools, banks and agencies are open.

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