
Apple Logo Steve Jobs

October 14, 2011 by · Comments Off on Apple Logo Steve Jobs 

Apple Logo Steve JobsApple Logo Steve Jobs, The Apple logo with the silhouette of the co-founder Steve Jobs replacement company of the bite may not be an original design after which coincided with the other designed by an Englishman.

Jonathan Mak, 19, did not escape criticism lately for its online design made in August, British graphic designer Chris Thornley, 40, made his earlier version in May. The similarity of the designs outlined in Internet postings, however, has not yet been turned into a dispute over copyright or ownership.

Mak, a student from Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, said he had checked the Internet to avoid the copy of another design, but apparently did not find Apple Thornley black logo on a white background with a white silhouette offers employment in a slightly different angle, according to Yahoo! Finance.

Mak Design originally released on the Internet when they reposted a day after Job’s death on October 5 as a tribute to the genius gadget. On Sunday, the wife of Mak Thornley notified about the similarity of design with the designer of Darwen, England.

Thornley, who suffers from a rare form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, said he looks forward to a conversation to address the problem Mak.

As Mak said he would be careful next time.
