
Power Of Ideas

December 10, 2010 by  

Power Of Ideas, December 10 marks the annual ceremony of the Nobel Peace Prize and International Human Rights Day. The winner of this year’s Nobel Prize is Liu Xiaobo the People’s Republic of China, a professor and human rights activist imprisoned for peacefully advocating more freedom and democracy for its citizens.

The Nobel Committee admitted: “It is not likely to be a physical transfer (of the medal and prize), where the price will be retained by us until Liu Xiaobo may receive in person at a time later.”

The fuel system reaction PRC is the visible internal human rights movement. It reveals what hurts the hearts and minds of dictators with his media blackout to the granting of Liu. The incarceration highlights the power of ideas and words. It reaffirms the need to protect freedom of expression and public assembly, the need for independent media in an informed public.

Liu Xia, wife of Nobel lureate news, is his unique voice to the outside world. Human Rights in China said she was visiting her husband on Oct. 10, two days after the award was announced.

During the one-hour meeting, Ms. Liu said her husband was informed of the award the day before. The HRIC report states: “When they talked about the award, it was very serious, saying:” This award is for lost souls of the June 4 He said that this was due to their non-violent spirit of giving their lives for peace, freedom and democracy, when complete, it was moved to tears. ”

On June 4, 1989, the People’s Republic of China has ordered tanks to crush a dictator for human rights and peaceful demonstration of democracy in what became known as the Tiananmen Square massacre. Then, as now, political fixers and media of the state have imposed a ban on foreign news sources. The propaganda machine: nationalism, Western plot, and economic gains. The message: the model of administration and the economy without being obstructed by the independent media and judiciary of democracy and human rights, joking.

Before the announcement of prizes, the Foreign Ministry has warned China that the Nobel Committee that the allocation of “criminal” Liu Xiaobo is contrary to the principles of Nobel.

Nevertheless, the Nobel Committee noted Liu became the foremost symbol of the struggle for human rights in China. After the announcement, the Foreign Ministry reiterated China Liu was a criminal. State-run Xinhua news said the price was “desecrated” the Nobel Prize and could harm relations between China and Norway.

Liu Xiaobo is foremost a writer. In its final statement issued before his imprisonment last Christmas Day, he writes: “Hatred can rot in a person’s intelligence and conscience. Thinking enemy will poison the minds of a nation, incite deadly strife, destroy the tolerance of society and humanity, and impede the progress of a nation to freedom and democracy. Therefore I hope to be able to transcend my personal experiences as I look on the development of our country and social change, to fight against the hostility of the regime most favorable, and dispel hatred with love. ”

The spin-masters of CPP must be choking on their current task. Their job is to kill a champion of human rights and ideas in a new media order. Hopefully the story of Liu Xiaobo can become widely known within the PRC.

If so, the body signals a crucial moment of the penetration of the so-called Great Firewall of China.

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