
Jumpin Jammerz

January 7, 2011 by  

Jumpin Jammerz, Here are just Views from deferent people below are quotes what they thought about Jumpin Jammerz,
Well, it’s that time of year again. Time to start trying to think of a good gift for your wife or girlfriend for Christmas. I have it pretty easy, my wife really doesn’t car what I get her, she’s not picky or high maintenance, Christmas is now postly about our kids. But I do like to try and get her some things that are neat, and things that she would actually like instead of the classic cop-out of lotions and perfumes etc.

So…any input would be appreciated. This list she’s given me so far consists of slippers, pajamas and some music. I’ve gotten those, but wouls like something original.
Last year I Wifely these…she loved them, and I thought they were kind of original. Our little girl has all these one-piece PJ’s and Wifey was always saying how she’d love a pair. She didn’t think they actually existed. They’re really nice quality fleece with little grips on the feet too. They’re called “jumpin’ jammerz”, I just ordered them online.
Last year I got my fiance an Ipod touch. She likes and uses it all the time. Dont rule out electronic because it’s usually something they won’t go out and buy their selfs.
Thats a sweet gift, but kind of expensive for what they are eh? I could find the cheapest price to about $75!
I think I only spent about $40…and considering we pay about $15-$20 for ones for our toddler…that’s not too bad. Maybe I cheaped out and with the ones with no grip? But she definitely has the ones in the picture above.

Keep the ideas coming guys! I was considering an iTouch…but I just got her a blackberry, so I think that’s enough electronics for now…considering the residual costs.
Anyways… what does your wife do? Like if she works at home, something for the home office? Or stuff that’ll make stuff she enjoys easier. Ie if she likes to cook, a magic bullet is awesome. Or car stuff like bluetooth speakerphone.

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