
Earthquake Dekalb |

February 10, 2010 by  

Earthquake-in-Il-Earthquake-ChicagoEarthquake Dekalb | magnitude 4.0 eastern U.S. earthquake typically can be felt at many places as far as 60 miles from where it occurred, and it infrequently causes damage near its source. Amagnitude 5.5 eastern U.S.earthquake usually can be felt as far as 300 miles from where it occurred, and sometimes causes damage as far away as 25 miles.”

Magnitude 4 is now trending at the number 3 spot and will rise to number 1 in a short while as news of the earthquake spreads.

Several Illinois residents who live near Chicago were woken up a little early on Wednesday morning as a small Earthquake shook the area.  No major damage has been reported.

An early morning earthquake rattled northern Illinois on Wednesday, shaking an area about 50 miles west-northwest of downtown Chicago, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The magnitude 4.3 quake hit just before 4 a.m. CT (5 a.m. ET), with an epicenter about 3 miles underground. The USGS pinpointed the quake between the towns of Virgil and Sycamore.

The U.S. Geological Survey reports that the 4.3-magnitude earthquake hit near the town of Virgil, about 50 miles northwest of Chicago, at  around 4 a.m. Wednesday. The vibrations could evidently be felt in Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana and Michigan.
Many are unaware, but there’s a nasty fault line through Illinois called the New Madrid fault, and while it’s too early to tell where it originated, the early assumption is that is the case, so this isn’t the first time, and won’t be the lastearthquake in Illinois.
The epicenter was in the city where the University of Northern Illinois is located, in De Kalb County, Illinois.

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