Big Brother 12 Episode 25
September 3, 2010 by Post Team
Big Brother 12 Episode 25, Big Brother 12 episode 25 aired on Thursday, September 2. Big Brother 12 episode 25 revealed the new head of household, and the last eviction of the
The Big Brother house. Lane has been the head of the family last week at home, and originally named Ragan and Enzo as the two players for eviction. The initial objective was the week Ragan and Ragan, figured that out as soon as the nominations were revealed. It is longer for CBS to reveal that to the fans to see only the new episodes, however, he discovered that most of Wednesday night, when the power of veto competition and veto ceremony shows .
Big Brother 12 Episode 25 Recap
Last night on Big Brother 24 episode 12, the power of veto competition was held, and was Enzo who won the veto power. He himself took the block once, and Ragan, began to show that it was a poor sport when he realized he was probably going home. Lane realized that Britney had to protect in order to reach the final two, so he ended Hayden nomination as the replacement candidate, leaving Ragan and Hayden as the chances of getting evicted guests.
It was evident, at least to the audience and Lane, the alliance Brigade had come to an end, and that Lane and Britney became a couple against Hayden and Enzo. It also meant that the same lane was actually threatening to go home next week, and that Hayden may have pushed too far and Enzo designate the two while he was head of the family. Meanwhile Ragan was struggling trying to get someone to vote for him, but it was too little too late, and Ragan, chose the wrong week to start playing the game. At that time he must have realized how much it cost when it launched in early season competitions.
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