
Ursula Von Der Leyen

December 16, 2013 by  

Ursula Von Der Leyen, In a new German cabinet that otherwise presented many familiar faces in familiar political roles, there was one big surprise: Ursula von der Leyen is to become Germany’s first female defence minister.

Her appointment triggered speculation not only about how the male-dominated army would respond to having a woman in charge, but about whether the 55-year-old is being groomed to become Angela Merkel’s successor as leader of the Christian Democrats.

In her previous post as labour and social affairs minister, Von der Leyen oversaw an unprecedented rise in the number of Germany’s working poor – people who work full- or part-time but still rely on state benefits to make ends meet.

Yet an instinct for cleverly timed interventions and an abundance of self-confidence allowed the mother of seven to present herself as the social conscience of the last coalition government.

By speaking out in favour of increasing the number of nurseries and the introduction of a women’s quota, gay marriage and a nationwide minimum wage, Von der Leyen made enemies among the more traditionalist party members and won admirers on the left.

Her popularity ratings are consistently high – too high for Merkel, some have suggested. Given that her old post had been earmarked by Social Democrats early on during the coalition talks, it looked like Von der Leyen’s rise to power had been cut short, until news her new role leaked at the weekend.

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