Von Trapp Family
December 27, 2010 by staff · Comments Off on Von Trapp Family
Von Trapp Family, Christmas holidays would not be complete without watching this classic musical about a nanny who delights the lives of his charges with the gift of singing. The beautiful and extremely talented Julie Andrews stars as the nanny who steals the heart of the family Von Trapp. ABC is the film that became a staple during the holidays, 19 hours “My child survived” is the worst nightmare for parents – the thought of their child in danger. This special TLC will share the heartbreaking story of a 9-year boy scout who was left on a camping trip and forced to endure the freezing desert. You will also discover a girl of 11 who sailed an alligator infested swamp and a teenager who was trapped in his car. In the title, we can guess that these children everything he does. But still, can you imagine the agony? I have chills just thinking about it. Sheesh! 22 hours Top Gear “I swear the guy on the British reality series devoted to fast cars have the best time. They drove through the desert, tundra and the coast of Vietnam and received some of biggest celebrities, from Mark Wahlberg Hugh Grant, speed around a track. In this new episode, 22 hours on the History Channel, you guys can test a wooden car, to make a race between a car, boat and plane, and receive the visit of “Lost” star Michelle Rodriguez