
Petn Bomb

December 28, 2009 by · Comments Off on Petn Bomb 

milliPetn Bomb:Terrorists have a new weapon of choice, an undetectable bomb that even the most advanced scanners can’t pick up. It is a military grade explosive known as PETN, and it’s powerful enough to blow up a car with just a 100 grams. It is also the same type of explosive that terrorists like the Shoe-Bomber attempted to use, and the same one that the infamous Christmas flight bomber failed to use on his flight to Detroit.

What is so appealing about this explosive to terrorists is that it is very small, yet powerful for its size, it’s also undetectable by metal detectors, and it can be hidden on the body. Even with the Millimeter Wave Screening scanner (a new scanner used in some airports that takes an X-Ray like picture of the body), the bombs were not detected.

This experience shows us that the government and airports have to step up their security and find a new way to screen passengers for these types of explosives. Or at the very least, start using more of the methods of screening passengers to prevent terrorists from sneaking explosives onto the planes.

Petn Wiki,PETN

December 27, 2009 by · Comments Off on Petn Wiki,PETN 

Petn Wiki:The substance used in the recent Flight 253 Detroit terrorist attack has been identified as PETN Explosive. PETN is a highly explosive substance that can be transported in many different ways, like soft plastic or latex container.

Officials said something like a condom could have been used to contain the PETN substance by the Nigerian suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

PETN Defined According to Wiki:
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN, also known as corpent, pentrite, or rarely and primarily in German as nitropenta or pentrit), is one of the most powerful high explosives known.

Penthrite was first synthesized in 1891 by Tollens and Wiegand by nitration of pentaerythritol. In 1912, after being patented by the German government, the production ofPETN started. PETN was used by the German Army in World War I. PETN is also one of the ingredients in Semtex plastic explosive.

Petn Explosive,Explosive PETN Used in Attack

December 26, 2009 by · Comments Off on Petn Explosive,Explosive PETN Used in Attack 

Petn Explosive,Explosive PETN Used in Attack: The suspect in the attempted bombing of Northwest Flight 253 used a highly explosive substance called PETN, a law enforcement official told CBS News Saturday.

The explosives were carried in a soft plastic container – possibly a condom – though much of the packaging was destroyed in the fire, the official said.

The FBI is questioning the suspect, identified as 23-year-old Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who claimed to be acting on orders from al Qaeda to blow up the airliner, officials said.

A high-ranking law enforcement official told CBS News that the suspect apparently used a syringe to inject a chemical into the powder, which was located near his groin. It is a technique not seen in previous attempted attacks and it’s possible that this incident was a test of whether the materials could pass screening and how effective they might be at causing damage, the source said.

According to Encyclopedia Brittanica, PETN is a highly explosive, colorless organic compound, and is related to nitroglycerin. Introduced as an explosive after World War I, PETN is “valued for its shattering force and efficiency … and is the least stable of the common military explosives but retains its properties in storage for longer periods than nitroglycerin or cellulose nitrate (nitrocellulose) does.”

PETN is also used in heart medication as a stimulant.
