
SPD Mitgliedervotum

December 15, 2013 by  

SPD Mitgliedervotum, Three months after the election the decision on a grand coalition is finally fallen: With the clear majority of 75.96 percent of the SPD basis the agreed negotiated with the Union coalition contract.

+ + + 75.96 percent of the SPD-members for the grand coalition + + +

+ + + Grand coalition or not? SPD members have decided + + +

+ + + 333,500 SPD members who participated in the vote + + +

+ + + SPD ministerial posts have already been distributed + + +

06:00 clock: When filling the CSU ministerial posts in the grand coalition there has been shifts. According to a report in the “Bild am Sonntag” takes over the former Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, the post of Minister of Agriculture – but without the responsibility for consumer protection.

05.30 Clock: The cast of Defense, with Ursula von der Leyen, the Defense Commissioner of the Bundestag, Hellmut royal family said in the “Bild am Sonntag”: “Since 2001, all military careers in the army for women are open to reason, it is an expression of normality. if a woman now in Germany would be at the top of the Defense Ministry. ” Royal House has specific requests to the office management of the designated Minister: “I hope that Mrs von der Leyen next to many problems and challenges in this office, special to the compatibility of the servicemen and women of service and family life and care during and after missions abroad would take care of. ”

00.40 Clock: The new FDP chairman Christian Lindner keeps the members of the decision of the SPD to the coalition agreement for a farce. Lindner said the “Bild am Sonntag:” It’s no real surprise that the SPD base agrees to a social democratic coalition agreement. The CDU / CSU has won the parliamentary elections, the SPD coalition negotiations “And again:”. Exciting a survey of members in the Union would have been. Questionable whether their base wants to adopt so without a fight from the principles of bourgeois politics as the Chancellor. Now there is a policy change that leads further away from Germany Ludwig Erhard and get closer to Francois Hollande. ”

21.56 Clock: Hardly Minister, already on Twitter? The account named @ adobrindt likely it was rather a joker belong.

19.55 Clock: The deputy chairman of the SPD Aydan Özoguz is new Minister of State for Migration, Refugees and Integration. The learned the German Press Agency on Saturday night from party circles in Berlin. This is the first time take a seat at the cabinet table in the history of the Federal Republic of a person with Turkish roots. Since 2005, these items occupied the chancellor’s office, the CDU-politician Maria Böhmer.

18.12 Clock: The Greens kritsieren the occupation of the red-black cabinet vehemently, as they consider that the concept of environmental protection is too short. Faction leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt says the “Bild am Sonntag”, “Had Barbara Hendricks is not used for reasons of proportional representation a ministry, the Ministry of Environment would have probably degraded along with the power to sub-department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the new Cabinet, the energy companies to cook and waiter. . the environment The Grand Coalition produces three losers., the young generation, the climate and the liberal civil rights ”

17.37 Clock: CSU politician Alexander Dobrindt can probably look forward to a ministerial post. Many are no longer left – according to information from the “Evening News” Dobrindt but Minister of Transport and the Internet. In an infrastructure ministry he should take care of accordingly among other things, the development of information highways.

17.10 Clock: Katja Kipping (The Left) criticized the new coalition as a “government of technocrats”. The coalition agreement was an “open betrayal” of SPD election manifesto, the “closed with bounced checks, over 23 billion euros,” Kipping writes on her website.

16.18 Clock: In the SPD, clarify after the decision on the ministerial posts in the black and red German government and the changes in the party leadership. From party sources said, SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel would propose to create the post of a sixth deputy party chairman. Intended to be the Schleswig-Holstein SPD leader and coordinator of the party left, Ralf Stegner. This was a balance that Stegner as the new Secretary General was not enforceable. As the successor of incumbent Andrea Nahles that is labor and social affairs, the same official Yasmin Fahimi was talking. She was head of the policy department of the Union of Mining-Energy-Chemistry. But there was also other candidates. The Nachbesetzungen in the party leadership could take place on the Europa Congress in January, the report said.

15.52 Clock: Hamburg’s Mayor Olaf Scholz has considered the clear vote of the members of the SPD for a coalition government with the Union as a success. The result shows that the vast majority of members of the SPD values ??the coalition agreement as a good negotiation, the SPD deputy said on Saturday. This is an important signal that support the work of the SPD in the coalition and the entire party strength.

15.36 Clock: CDU General Secretary Hermann Gröhe explains: “We are delighted that now can begin joint government work swiftly.” The common coalition agreement was “a good foundation to work to ensure that our country remains successful and the people in four years is even better.”

15.33 Clock: The CDU leader and incumbent Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulates SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel ‘on participation and earnings of the members of decision “. She looked forward to working together, shares the CDU.

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