
Red Squirrel Conservation

December 21, 2013 by  

Red Squirrel Conservation, Help us save a Scottish icon. Report your squirrel sightings here and see our interactive squirrel distribution map.

Only around 121,000 red squirrels are left in Scotland today.

Without sustained action, the red squirrel could become extinct on mainland Scotland.

SSRS is taking action now. We are working to help Scotland’s red squirrels survive and be part of our future. And, with your support, we can do even more. Donate today or get involved with our project to help us protect an iconic member of Scotland’s native wildlife.

Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels has merged with Red Squirrels in South Scotland (RSSS) to create one national Scottish project in co-ordinated action to save Britain’s only native squirrel species, the red squirrel.

Phase 2 of SSRS, starting in April 2012, is a two-year partnership project which aims to halt the decline of red squirrel populations in key areas of north Scotland and slow down or contain the spread of the deadly squirrelpox disease in South Scotland. It builds on the earlier three-year Phase 1 SSRS Project and Phase 4 of the RSSS project.

The red squirrel is one of the first species identified as requiring conservation under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, and the UK government has signed up to the Convention on Biological Diversity which obliges signatory nations to take care of their native wildlife .

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