Porche GT
December 2, 2013 by staff
Porche GT, The Porsche Carrera GT crash in which Paul Walker recently died as a passenger is believed to have taken place due to a mechanical failure. The news comes from sources linked to the Always Evolving, the car shop that handled the supercar.
The shop belonged to Walker and Roger Rodas, who was driving the Carrera GT when the accident happened and was also killed in the crash. Insiders recently hinted that traces of fluid were seen at the scene of the unfortunate event.
What’s more, it is also curious that skid marks were reportedly missing from the scene, right up to the actual spot of the impact. Even these ones are said to be straight and, if that is true, it does indicate that the car wasn’t out of control as initially thought. It is believed that the Carrera GT could’ve experienced a power steering leakage.
Of course, the fire, which took over the front of the car very rapidly, also indicates to a leakage – keep in mind that the Carrera GT has its engine at the center, not up front.
Nonetheless, we have to remember that, according to the police, Rodas was speeding prior to the crash.
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