
Chuck Norris Splits

December 22, 2013 by  

Chuck Norris Splits, You think Jean-Claude Van Damme’s epic splits between two gargantuan Volvo trucks was a feat of physical prowess? Or Channing Tatum’s spoof was milk-out-of-your-nose funny? Well, Chuck Norris has the strength and charisma to obliterate both versions with his own epic splits because [insert your circa-2005 Chuck Norris fact here].

In the Chuck Norris version — which or may not have actually involved Mr. Norris — we see the Texas Ranger performing the splits between two airplane wings, carrying a fleet of men on both shoulders, who are also arranged into a lighted Christmas tree, because, like, holidays and terminal velocity and aerodynamics and stuff.

The parody vid was created by Delov Digital, a Hungarian creative agency.

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