
Arizona Meteor Explosion

December 11, 2013 by  

Arizona Meteor Explosion, A resounding boom over Tucson, Arizona, roused residents from their dinner tables Tuesday and had them pointing up to the sky.

The largest meteor shower of the year seemed to be giving them a sneak preview, as a whopper of a rock roared past over their heads.

It exploded, rattling their houses, and a dash cam captured it on video as it vanished in a bright blaze.

The spectacular annual Geminid meteor shower officially starts Thursday. Now, even with 100 to 120 meteors per hour at its peak, it has given itself a tough act to follow.

Astronomer Tod Lauer heard the blast but did not bother to look outside.

“We were eating dinner and heard a good bang that rattled the roof of our house. I dismissed it as a sonic boom,” he posted to Facebook.

Then a local TV station phoned the scientist, who studies images from the Hubble Space Telescope, to ask him to explain what had happened.

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